Governor Bhishma Narain Singh has emphatically suggested that the family welfare education should be extended to the teenagers, adolescents in schools so as to be able to make a dent in the psyche of the future generation.
Mr Singh was inaugurating a three-day national workshop on population education here on Sept 7 at the idyllic Mayurbhanj campus of NEHU.
He said that steps should be taken in right earnest to make the people aware of the cause and consequences of unplanned population growth. A number of steps should be carried out to increase their knowledge and to change the attitude of the students, youths and adults regarding issues concerning population. He pleaded for inclusion of relevant contents in text books, training of teachers and projection of the theme through the media. The workshop which is the fourth of its kind to be held in the country, has been sponsored by the UGC. A number of delegates from various parts of the country attending it.
Delivering the Keynote address, the NEHU Vice Chancellor, Dr B D Sharma, informed that the Planning Commission had decided to take 1971census figures, instead of the latter figure, as point of reference for its economic planning. This is so done as to curb the tendency among certain states to raise the population with a view of obtaining larger financial allocation.