New Delhi: Delhi Chief Minister Sheila Dikhsit on Saturday justified the 22 per cent hike in power tariff even as several Congress MLAs criticised the move saying it would put more burden on the common man.
At a meeting of the Congress Legislature Party here, party MLAs, including Mukesh Sharma and Subhash Chopra, raised the issue and demanded immediate rollback of the hike. They said the increase will put a “lot of burden on the common man” who is already reeling under spiralling prices of essential commodities.
Dikshit, however, justified the increase saying power purchase cost has increased significantly in the last 3 years and there has been no hike in tariff in the past 5 years.
“The cost of power has increased manifold in the last few years with the increase in the cost of coal. Power discoms are finding it difficult,” she said.
The hike has come after six years, she said and added that the government will be able to give its full reaction when the entire report is studied. The Delhi government had Friday justified the hike in power tariff by nearly 22 per cent, saying it was necessary considering significant increase in power purchase cost as well as other related expenses.
The Minister said government did not want to put any burden on the common man but considering the significant increase in power purchase cost, it had no option but to increase the rates. Asked whether the government will continue with the subsidy to those who limit their consumption to 200 unit per month, he said a decision will be taken after carefully going through the order of DERC which fixed the rates. (PTI)