New Delhi: The CBI has filed two chargesheets in three separate cases of alleged corruption in the management of North Cachar Hills Autonomous Council at a special court in Guwahati.
A CBI spokesperson said here on Monday that the “first case relates to alleged misappropriation of a sum of over Rs 13 crore for execution of works relating to different schemes under Social Welfare Department.”
In its chargesheet, CBI has accused Mohet Hojai, the then Chief Executive Member, NCHAC, R H Khan, the then Deputy Director, Social Welfare Department, Haflong besides three other officials and two private contractors Debasish Bhattacherjee and Amjad Ali of misappropriating government funds of Rs 13.53 crore.
“The CBI has booked these officials and contractors of Social Welfare Department of autonomous council under sections of Indian Penal Code for criminal conspiracy and cheating among others. Relevant sections of Prevention of Corruption Act have also been pressed in the charge sheet,” she said.
CBI alleged that during the probe, cash amounting to Rs.13.45 crore was recovered from a secret chamber constructed in the garage of the brother-in-law of the accused Deputy Director R H Khan, sources said.
In the second case relating to Soil Conservation Department, CBI has named divisional soil conservation officers Arup Rai and Amitabh Rai, Subrata Hojai, Executive Member, Dima Hasao Autonomous Council, Haflong, L Chetia, Range Officer (since Retired) besides three others officials for alleged misappropriation of an amount of Rs.1.66 crore. (PTI)