Imphal: After three days of high drama and tension at the border of Jessami village, Ukhrul district in Manipur and Meluri village, Phek district of Nagaland officials and administrators of the two states agreed on a three point resolution after a meeting to prevent further escalation of trouble, said an official source.
A meeting was held today between the officials of the two states, Nagaland and Manipur, at Jessami Laii bridge at the border of the two states to find out ways and means to control the volatile situation at the border after the unfortunate incident of April 18.
The first step is to impose Cr.P.C. 144 in the boundary of Jessami in Manipur and Meluri in Nagaland by concerned authorities in both states, declaring that no one can carry any sort of weapon or arms at the boundary areas of the two villages.
The second step is to disallow any volunteer of both the villages to check or verify movement of any vehicle. And the third step is to organize a meeting of civil organizations on May 3 to bring a compromise between the villagers of the two villages according to Naga customary law, stated the source.
The abducted villagers of Jessami were released later after the chief secretary of Manipur contacted his counterpart in Nagaland. (NNN)