A precursor to development in

Shillong was the installation of
the traffic lights at every major traffic signal of the ‘city’. Much for the convenience of the people, the State Government had decided to take immediate measures concerning the installation of the traffic lights. Also, the inter-State movement of goods via the national highway hastened the need to set up these lights so that the traffic could be controlled from a central point. However, the establishment of these lights never bore any fruits. The observable outcome of this haste is ubiquitous till the present day.
Vikram, a daily commuter, says, “It’s been years now that these traffic lights have been set up but have they served any good to anyone? This was yet another wasteful venture of the Government.”
The project which aimed at developing and advancing Shillong from a town to a city has proved to be a complete debacle till now. The authorities must have considered the task to be easy and trouble free. It was, however, just the opposite.
It would be incorrect to deny that the traffic lights did not function effectively in its initial days. The traffic light posts that were installed in various signals such as Barik, Civil stop, Rhino junction, Dhankheti etc., did make their contributions in controlling the traffic for a few days. The contributions, nonetheless, were not long lasting.
Says George, “Problems had started developing within a few months of their installation. Efforts were made to fix them but no one seemed to take the problem seriously.” A Class 12 student, Evan, said, “I was in Class 8 when these traffic lights were installed and now, they hardly even work.”
With an earnest attempt to build up our small town to a city, the authorities must have failed to foresee the consequences of negligence and carelessness. The traffic lights stand in every important signal of the city serving, absolutely, no purpose at all. They stand as objects in which people can rub more lime and spew out red betel spit. They stand dysfunctional and useless. They symbolize the misfortune of our place. They symbolize yet another uneconomical undertaking by the authorities.
“Had the authorities been sincerely concerned, they would have done something long back,” said John, a commuter. Being a part of a time in which the city is getting engulfed by heavy traffic congestion everyday at the peak hours, it has become integral to maintain and take control over the massive traffic situation. The increase in the number of cars is bound to intensify the traffic. Daily complains regarding the rise in traffic and the consequent rise in people’s frustration are being heard. A distance of 10 minutes is nowadays being covered in half an hour or even more. The blame falls directly to the authorities. Said Trishna, a school student, “I reached school after the morning assembly got over because of the traffic.”
In the face of such severe traffic it is the need of the hour to deal with the situation seriously. Measures should be taken to fix the traffic lights instantaneously. Without much ado, the root cause of the problem is to be looked into and an effective solution is to be given.
Needless to say that once the lights begin functioning, the traffic problem will be brought under control.
(By Meghna Deb Roy)