A Bollywood-style
thriller “9 Eleven”,
directed by Manan Singh Katohora, an Indian American director, has been nominated for a record eight awards at the 2012 World Music & Independent Film Festival here in August.
A fast paced thriller with undertones of terrorism, the film poses the question how does one survive collectively in meeting the growing phenomenon of terrorism head on. Written and directed by Manan Singh Katohora, “9 Eleven” portrays the life of 11 people terrorised to the core by an unknown entity in an unfamiliar place.
Each individual is petrified and is hesitant to talk or take each other into confidence for one simple reason: The fear of the unknown!
Katohora, who won the 2012 Rising Star Award for the film at Canada International Film Festival, has been nominated in three categories: Best Screenplay; Best Director and Best Director in SouthEast Asian Film.
Other nominations are: Best Horror/Thriller Film; Best South East Asian Film; Best Supporting Actor: Tejash Natali; Best Supporting Actress: Jyoti Singh; and Best Supporting Actor: Sonny Chatrath.
The winners will be announced Aug 25. (IANS)