October 1 is observed as the International Day of Older Persons. North Eastern Hill University (NEHU) is organising a 3-day international seminar on the problems associated with ageing or the science of ageing – gerontology. Life expectancy has increased in recent times due to better health care and greater awareness about diet, nutrition and exercise. But India is not ready to tackle the problems associated with a huge number of ageing population who require social security such a pension and health insurance. Different topics were discussed in the seminar ranging from the role of herbal tonics in addressing memory loss (Alzheimer) or the function of leisure in making ageing a pleasant experience.
Some presentations dealt with the trauma of menopause among women and the accompanying health problems due to oestrogen depletion which then leads to afflictions like Osteoporosis. While one of three women suffer from Osteoporosis in their old age, only one of eight males suffer the same malady. Retirement which means the end of employment is seen by many as also the end of their productive years. This perception is what creates a sense of insecurity or a feeling of not being useful any longer. Such perceptions have to be dismantled by proper counselling. While statistics show that women outlive men, the fact is also true that women in their old age are seen as a liability. Old Age Homes are becoming a common sight in India with nearly 50% of them in Tamilnadu alone. The aged go to such Homes because they are destitute; their children have no time for them or their children pay the Homes to look after their parents. Whatever be the case old age seems to present a set of problems which most families have yet to resolve and the Government has not taken stock of.
Earlier in tribal areas we never heard of Old Age Homes. Now these have sprung up because they are needed. Times have changed and globalisation has brought in a new value system. Familial ties too are eroding and given way to hardcore realism where looking after the elderly is not a priority. What is needed is for the aged to find ways to be useful and to engage in productive social activities and if they can afford it to travel and keep themselves busy. Meanwhile greater sensitivity towards the aged through better awareness about their needs would help to bring greater equanimity in families and society.