Itanagar: The police are working on clues on Thursday about the missing IPS officer who was appointed by the Gauhati High Court to probe the multi-crore PDS scam in Arunachal Pradesh in 2008. Deep declined to divulge more saying it could hinder the investigation about the disappearance of Chauhan, the SP of the Special Investigation Cell of the Arunchal police.
Chauhan who was going to Tawang with Inspector Mohan Kaye and constable Vikram Singh, West Kameng had asked them at Tippi market to wait for him at a nearby river where he was suppose to join them for lunch and handed over one of his cell phones to his driver. The police did not have any information about his trip to Tawang as Chauhan did not inform the district police.
Chauhan who was transferred to Delhi on October 8 was released from his responsibilities on October 10, but had not left the state.
Chauhan, an IPS officer of 1998 batch of the Union Territory cadre was heading the SIC constituted by the Gauhati High Court in 2008 to probe the multi-crore PDS scam in the state. The IPS officer had chargesheeted 56 persons including former chief minister Gegong Apang, five Congress MLAs, two ministers and several IAS officer and contractors in the scam.
He was waiting for prosecution sanction from the Arunachal Pradesh government against another 36 accused in the Rs 1000 crore PDS scam. Chauhan was also instrumental in stalling the release of Rs 56 crore to PDS contractors through an affidavit of Arunachal Pradesh government in the Supreme Court. (PTI)