London: British scientist Robert Edwards, known as “father” of world’s first test-tube baby breathed his last Wednesday, the Cambridge University announced. The 87-year-old died following prolonged illness.
Edwards, who was awarded Nobel prize for his pioneering work in developing in vitro fertilisation (IVF) along with his colleague Patrick Steptoe, led to the birth of the first “test-tube baby” Louise Brown in 1978. The invention made millions of childless couples’ dream come true worldwide, as figures show about four million babies have been born with the help of IVF treatment.
“It is with deep sadness the family announces that Professor Sir Robert Edwards, scientist and co-pioneer of IVF, passed away peacefully in his sleep April 10, 2013 after a long illness,” a statement from Cambridge university said. Born in Yorkshire in northern England Sep 27, 1925, into a working-class family, Edwards served in the British army during WW II before returning home to study first agricultural sciences and then animal genetics. (IANS)