Jimmy Russ Massar
Jimmy Russ Massar (Jim) co-founder and drummer of Snow-White band, son of (L) E Giri Massar and (L) JR Nongrum of Mawlai Iewrynghep passed on July 14. The funeral service will be held at Mawlai Presbyterian cemetery at Mawlai Nonglum on June 16 at 3 pm.
Lila Elvin
Lila Elvin, wife of (L) Dr Verrier Elvin passed in Mumbai on July 14. Her body will be brought to her residence at Lachumiere. Her cremation will be held at Marwari cremation ghat, Mawbah on July 16.
Valarina Ryndem
Valarina Ryndem (Kong Mem) of Mawlai (Pingwait Mawroh), passed away on July 13. The funeral will take place on July 15 at the Catholic Cemetry, Mawlai at 3PM.