Farhan Akhtar starrer Bhaag Milkha Bhaag, which narrates the life of legendary Indian athlete Milkha Singh, has raked up $647,112 in the first week of its release in the US. The filmmaker Rakeysh Omprakash Mehra’s biopic has also scored the 15th spot on the popularity chart of movies in the United States this week. According to Box Office Mojo, the website that tracks top American movies, the film is playing across 140 theaters in the United States and collected $ 647,112 in the first three days of its release over the weekend. On the first day of its release on July 12, the movie collected $ 183,083, while it jumped next day to USD 270,275 on Saturday.
On Sunday last it collected $ 193,774 across its 140 theaters.
According to reports, a biopic gets the Bollywood treatment in Bhaag Milkha Bhaag'(Run Milkha Run), which dramatizes the life of record-breaking Indian sprinter Milkha Singh, played by the talented Farhan Akhtar.
“Like most Bollywood films, Milkha’s story is supposed to be a saga. But aside from a horrifying experience in childhood and some major triumphs on the track, much of the rest of his history feels like filler held together by a faulty framing device,” the daily added. “The Indian running champ Milkha Singh may be the hero of the over-the-top Bhaag Milkha Bhaag’, but this Bollywood film’s true, tormented heart lies in the brutal era of India’s partition. (IANS)