It is said that this time the Goddess Durga is coming on a palanquin and will depart on an elephant. The mode of arrival and departure of the goddess is interpreted as either good or bad omen. It is believed that the arrival of the Goddess on a palanquin means wide-spread epidemic. However, her departure on the elephant suggests prosperity and good harvest. These are myths, but myths are created by humans after they have experienced the phenomena and they have become a regular pattern. It is difficult to say what the epidemic is. In the context of Assam many believe that dengue fever which is currently sweeping across the State and has not left even the city of Guwahati untouched, is perhaps the epidemic that the Goddess would take away with her when she leaves this earth on her elephant on Vijaya Dashami.
For Meghalaya the epidemic is that of fear which has penetrated deep into the psyche of the non-tribal residents of this State. The recent vile attempts to murder by burning and the series of arson cases have been on selective targets. Some sections of society are living in a state of fear. That the Puja pandals have been instructed by the district administration to install CCTVs is indicative of the fear perception that has gripped not just the Puja revellers but also those in charge of maintaining law and order as well. No one wants to take chances. In this climate of palpable fear how can Puja be celebrated with fervour and joy? Would the same climate of fear during Christmas be taken with such a spirit of calm acceptance and equanimity? Would we not be up in arms seeking accountability from the Government for not ensuring safety and security during the festive season? So far none have been arrested for the attempted murders committed in the past few days. This means that the petrol bomb brigade is roaming around scot free. This is not a very comforting thought for the citizen. The irony is that those in power are well protected.