ew Delhi: Prime Minister, Dr Manmohan Singh has assured Ninong Ering, Minister of State for Minority Affairs who hails from Arunachal Pradesh to take up the controversial stapled issue with China for the benefit of the people of the Himalayan state.
Ering who met the Prime Minister at this office had a detailed discussion and urged him to intervene in the matter and initiate appropriate action with the Chinese government so that this long-standing problem could be resolved at the earliest.
He also submitted a memorandum to Dr Singh in support of his demand during the meeting on Monday.
“I often face embarrassing situations when by brethren in Arunachal Pradesh enquire about this issue,” Ering said adding “This matter needs to be resolved urgently to foster good relations with China and the people of my area are eagerly awaiting such a time.” Many people from Arunachal Pradesh including M.Ps and M.L.As face the same problem, he said.
He also reiterated patriotism of the people of Arunachal Pradesh to the whole country.
Incidentally, Ering’s father who too was an M.P. was an Union Minister under the regime of first Prime Minister Pundit Jawaharlal Nehru and had accompanied him during his visit to the Indo-China border.