The All India Cooperative Week Celebration will be inaugurated on November 14 at the Meghalaya Cooperative Apex Bank, Head Office. Minister in charge cooperation will be the chief guest.
Like every year, Gpoasthami Mela will be held at Shree Shillong Gaushala, Mawlai on the November 10 (Sunday) from 7 AM to 3 PM. Canteen facility also available. All are requested to come with family to make the Mela a success.
B K Bajoria School will celebrate Children’s Day on November 12 instead of November 14. Raffle Draw will be held on the same day as part of the celebration.
Directorate of school education and literacy will organise a a three day training programme for cook cum helpers under mid day meal programme in collaboration with Akshay Patra, New Delhi from November 11-13 at the Bharat Scouts and Guides Training Hall.