While shooting for Bhoothnath 2,Amitabh Bachchan bumped into the cast of Happy New Year and shared fun moments with younger actors like Shah Rukh Khan and Abhishek Bachchan. The megastar felt as though he was reliving his former shooting days.
The shooting of Bhoothnath 2 and Happy New Year was taking place at the Mehboob Studio here Friday. Remembering the days when two-three film shoots happened simultaneously at the same location quite often, Big B wrote on his Facebook page: “Shooting at Mehboob Studio for ‘Bhootnath Returns’ and also shooting at other floor ‘Happy New Year’… Shah Rukh, Abhishek, Boman Irani, Sonu Sood, Farah Khan.”
“Lunching out in the open, PS4 play station and football in SRK’s van… idle gossip, camaraderie… felt like the good ol’ days when this happened so often, when two or three units shot at the same location,” added the 71-year-old.
Bhoothnath 2 is a sequel to Big B-starrer Bhoothnath, which released in 2008. Happy New Year is being directed by Farah Khan and also stars Deepika Padukone. (IANS)