Monday, September 23, 2024

Music and Freedom


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By Gabriel B Nongsiej

Heated exchanges have followed the controversial concert that took place in Polo. Nawaz Yasin Islam must be commended for a well-written response to the proponents of different music genre. It is refreshing to see someone who is not as narrow-minded in his approach to new things as some other people. But it is disappointing that the Shillong Times has resorted to publishing unfounded conspiracy theories about the “Illuminati” just to allow its readers to justify their own biases against cultural differences and individual identity (the letter by Mary Ann Suiting). In fact, there is evidence of another legend regarding the Illuminati wherein the Catholic Church murdered the members of this group for promoting learning among the common people. Why does the Shillong Times not run that theory as well?
That such an esteemed media outlet would succumb to being led by religious fanatics with regard to the alleged Satanic cult phenomenon is unfortunate. The State is dealing with a group of vandals and unguided youth. Nothing more! Their beliefs do not come into consideration. Let me remind all that India still allows for freedom of religious beliefs and as long as these Satanic cultists do not break the laws of India, the State can do little to change their beliefs. In fact, anyone trying to force them to change their beliefs is actually committing a crime of human rights infringement. Perhaps, in all this, what most people fail to understand is humanity’s affinity towards perversion and morbidity. It is something that has infested all groups over the ages. Man has always been fascinated by death and the unknown beyond it.
Perhaps it was this fascination that prompted the early Christians to corrupt the ancient pagan festival of Samhain to their All Hallow’s Eve. It was this affinity that led to the reverence of the pagan Winter Solstice as the date of birth of the Christian Messiah. After all, the Winter Solstice was celebrated as the death and rebirth of the Sun God in many ancient cultures. Again, I have always been interested to understand why the early Church fathers chose the instrument of Christ’s death as the symbol of Christianity and why not the Fish (that was already in use at the time) or the Lamb. It is indeed amazing to really inspect the perversion of humanity with respect to death and the unknown.
Again, Eva Giri has presented an profound meaning of the band’s name “Dying Fetus”. To her, it is reprehensible and demonic. I can only imagine her credentials in extracting this profound judgement.  In my own contemplation, I find the name “Dying Fetus” very apt for the condition of the world today. The youths of today are incarcerated and indoctrinated into being “normal” and “good”. Most of the passion that kids are born with is lost because of this desire to be “normal” which adults shove down their throats. These kids are forced to let their dreams die even before they can prove themselves. Few survive to really become mavericks and pioneers in a world that needs them. The band’s name actually speaks volumes of the insight that the band has of the social ethos of the modern world.
Eva Giri gave beautiful insights into Bard Eithun and his murder conviction. I was motivated to look for more prime examples of similar crimes. The assassination of George Tiller by Scott Roeder and his parent organization, the Army of God is a notably recent case. Another one which I found is the murder of a woman in a McDonald’s restaurant in China by members of the Church of the Almighty God. One gruelling story has been called a case of Church-induced mental illness wherein a woman Kimberley Dawn Lucas murdered one child and tried to poison another after listening to a sermon about the sacrifice of Abraham from her Pastor Dr. Lea Brown. Several such cases abound wherever moderation is not exercised in one’s beliefs.
Clarence David Lyngdoh’s history piece regarding the Beatles was illuminating. Being a music lover myself, I have always found the history and motivation behind the music more inspiring than the music itself. It is fascinating how the Beatles paid tribute to Aleister Crowley in the cover of their album “Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club”. For the uninformed, Mr. Crowley was denounced by the people of his time as the “wickedest man in the world” and also as a Satanist, although erroneously. In fact, modern culture probably holds him as the Prince of Darkness himself. It is strangely scary to imagine why the Fab Four who do not “act violently, satanically or growl like hungry animals in their stage performances” (as Mr. Lyngdoh states),-  the beloved Beatles would even choose to associate themselves with such a man as Aleister Crowley.
Also, let us not forget how the adult generation received the Beatles in 1964. I have seen and read that the Beatles were in 1964 as well received as the Death Metal genre of today. I think Harvard Prof. David Reisman said it best. When asked to comment on the Beatles’ mania he said “It’s a form of protest against the adult world. These youngsters are hoping to believe in something, or respond to something new that they have found for themselves.” Doesn’t that sound all too familiar and ominous? Yet, as Mr. Lyngdoh rightly proves, that mania and craze became a respected and beloved part of our culture.
However Lyngdoh is correct in saying that music is something one should be able to enjoy with one’s family, friends and loved ones. But Mr. Lyngdoh fails to understand that sharing his music does not mean restricting others from listening to theirs. In fact, it works both ways. If you love your kids, then shouldn’t you also support their choice of music? Otherwise, it is just another form of control and indoctrination, something that  borders on child abuse. Guidance is one thing; coercion is another.
Many have complained about the choice of lyrics as well. While not pretending to like all the lyrics of all the songs under this or any genre, it is similar to everything else in life. Many enjoy ‘Hard Times’ by Charles Dickens but I found David Copperfield a bit of a bore. Yet can anyone doubt the brilliance of Dickens as a writer and a visionary? The same goes for the music of different bands in music. For instance, “Imagine” by John Lennon is a masterpiece but I found that “Love Me Do” by the Beatles is complete nonsense.
Eva Giri, Mary Ann Suiting, Clarence David Lyngdoh and their ilk perhaps have their own opinions regarding certain aspects of our culture. However, some people seem to be under the impression that their views of “right” and “wrong” are the only ones that matter. These people have that uncanny ability to stand from the side-lines of a concept and pretend to understand it and judge it based on their own narrow-minded ideals. Society and the media should not allow them to continue with this sanctimonious charade or we will lose one of the greatest gifts of life: FREE WILL.
 (The writer is currently pursuing his M Tech CSE from IIT Kharagpur))


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