New Delhi: The bail pleas of two suspected Indian Mujahideen (IM) operatives was on Monday rejected by a local court which allowed the plea of Delhi Police seeking 15 days to complete its probe against them in a case of conspiracy to carry out terror strikes here. District Judge I S Mehta allowed the plea of Special Cell of Delhi Police in which it had sought 15 days to conclude its probe against Tehsin Akhtar and Zia-Ur-Rahman who are now in judicial custody in Hyderabad in connection with February 21, 2013 Dilsukhnagar twin blasts case that claimed 16 lives.
“Since accused persons (Akhtar and Zia-Ur-Rahman) remain in JC (judicial custody) in the present FIR and subsequently they have been arrested in NIA case and their production warrants have already been issued for July 18 and the period of investigation of 90 days is stated to be completing today, in these circumstances, I am satisfied that the same requires further time for investigation,” the court said. “Therefore, the period of investigation is further extended for a period of 15 days i.e. till July 29…,” it said.
During the hearing, public prosecutor Rajiv Mohan told the court that some forensic report were yet to be received by the investigators and documents relating to facts mentioned in the disclosure statements of arrested accused were required to be taken on record.
Mohan also said that both the accused were now in Hyderabad and their production warrant has already been issued for July 18. Meanwhile, advocate M S Khan, who appeared for both the accused, opposed the plea filed by the police contending that his clients were entitled to bail charge sheet was not filed against them within the stipulated 90 days. (PTI)