The Delhi High Court Tuesday directed various internet and telecom service providers to block access to 72 websites hosting the yet-to-be released Hrithik Roshan starer Bang Bang. Justice Manmohan Singh said the court is totally against the piracy of copyrighted material, including movies, and “it is almost equivalent to duplicating currencies”.
“The websites’ owners are committing piracy and collecting illegal profits, who are peeping behind the curtain and laughing at the producers of the movies. If this is not fraud what else? In fact, piracy in copyright cases is a curse to well-established system of the country and it should be curbed and dealt with with iron hands,” the court said.
Producers of Bollywood film Bang Bang had moved the high court seeking to block nearly 72 websites that may allow online access to the film. The film also stars Katrina Kaif, and is scheduled to be released Friday. Fox Star Studios has sought a blanket injunction against these websites and also hauled service providers in its suit. (IANS)