The MeECL has declared the results of the written examination for some posts of Junior Divisional Accountant in November last year but the Corporation is yet to conduct the personal interview. The advertisement for the same was given in March 2012. .As an aspirant for the same and one of the successful candidates of the written examination, I am a bit concerned over such a prolonged delay of an interview. And now I am aghast to learn that the Corporation has given another advertisement in August this year for the same post but on contractual basis. I have no information as to whether the Corporation has completed the interviews and appointed people to those contractual posts. It has left me wondering as to why .the Corporation is not holding the personal interview for those vacant posts for which the written examination has already been conducted and results declared but has instead given another advertisement for the same post. I hope the Corporation understands the sentiments of the unemployed youth like me who will be deprived of their rights if there is nepotism and partiality.
I expect an honest reply from the corporation.
Yours etc., ,
Bilrang Sangma
Wanted seminars on social change
Hats off to the organisers of the two day workshop on climate change at NEHU! Its main objective is for the people of Meghalaya and other states of the North East to be well informed and aware regarding the risks of climate change and for the youth to play a major role in this subject. Why not conduct a seminar/workshop related to social change too? I really appreciate Nagaland state for launching the LAN( Leaders Arise Nagaland) in Kohima , which focuses mainly on changing the attitude and mindset of the people in the State. It would have been much better if the government ,especially the politicians were to arrange such kind of seminar or workshop in their constituencies related to Social Change and their active participation with the youth of our state. If only we can change our attitude and mindset we can change our society and state as a whole.
Yours etc.,
Manbha Synrem,
Via email
Dangerous driving
The road to Nongmynsong market starting from Lailad are not safe. After widening of this road it has become dangerous not only because of the people driving their vehicles but also because of the pedestrians. Many major accidents have been averted by sheer luck but many times it seems like most vehicles that try to overtake other vehicles would surely hit someone. The speed with which the vehicles which descend towards Lailad drive is frightening especially for pedestrians. Can the Traffic Police do something about this?
Yours etc.,
Manoj Guring,
Via email
No law for taxi drivers
On 3.11.2014 a taxi driver charged me Rs. 10 from Don Bosco square to Malki pont. I asked why he had to charge so much when the cost of petrol had fallen by Rs. 2 per litre and especially when it was for such a short run. “And when the petrol price rises?” he said. I told him that on several such occasions, drivers took advantage to raise fares arbitrarily. On the same day I came up from Barik point to D. B square and a bus conductor charged Rs. 10 because he had no change – the most heard excuse among drivers and conductors.
The point-to-point fare charge for buses and taxis, and the symbolic checking of vehicles other than coal trucks have long been forgotten thanks to the happy-go-lucky Shillong commuters, and the easy going attitude of the government in not coming up with the reasonable and temporary fare chart of public service vehicles, at least within the city limits. If the Government continues to keep quiet on the matter, the taxi drivers are ever ready to hike up fares with the next slight rise in petrol price. I hope this will not remain merely a reading pleasure for any one.
Yours etc.,
P.K. Lakiang