New Delhi: Sports Minister Sarbanand Sonowal on Tuesday said that the government is more than keen to pursue Indian woman boxer L Sarita Devi’s matter with AIBA to get her suspension, which was imposed on her for not accepting the bronze medal at Asian Games medal ceremony, overturned.
A meeting is scheduled for tomorrow and it that will be chaired by Sonowal himself and attended by the members of Boxing India, Indian Olympic Association and some prominent sportspersons to pursue Sarita’s case.
“We will be strongly pursuing Sarita Devi’s matter internationally. I will be attending the meeting tomorrow, which will see the members of Boxing India, IOA and prominent sportspersons present there. We will try to get her ban lifted,” said the minister on the sidelines of a function organised by UN Women, which aimed at raising awareness and gender equality.
He further added that the boxer must be allowed to play again. “Sarita Devi should be allowed to play for the country,” said Sonowal.
Asked about what action would be taken against those found guilty in the IPL spot-fixing scandal, the minister refused to comment saying, “The matter is sub-judice now. The matter is in the court and at this point, I should not be saying anything”. (PTI)