Actor Rohit Khurana will be invading the show “Har Mushkil Ka Hal Akbar Birbal” as a pirate named Alfredo. His look in the shows bears resemblance to that of the iconic character essayed by Johnny Depp in “Pirates of the Caribbean” series.
“I have played a pirate for the very first time and enjoyed every bit of it. Every role that I play holds a deep place in my heart and so does this one,” Rohit, who is known for essaying negative roles on the small screen, said in a statement.
His look seems heavily inspired by Hollywood star Depp’s portrayal . He will be seen as a wicked but stylish pirate with braided hair locks, boots and bushy facial hair.
He will enter when a situation in the royal kingdom goes topsy-turvy when a ship used for spice trade goes missing along with Salim and 700 people. Birbal is then handed the responsibility of freeing the ship from the roguish Pirate Alfredo.
The episodes will be aired Nov 27 and Nov 28 on BIG MAGIC.(IANS).