After announcing her separation from her husband Manish Makhija, actress-filmmaker Pooja Bhatt says the succe-ss of a relationship doesn’t depend on any license.
The actress took to micro-blogging website Twitter to share her thoughts on relation-ships.“I choose to live life on MY terms & refuse to perform to the gallery. Certificates don’t make or break marriages & relationships! Life does!,” the 42-year-old tweeted.
The tweet comes after the “Dil Hai Ke Manta Nahin” star recently annou-nced her split from Makhija after 11 years of marriage. The daughter of filmmaker Mahesh Bhatt, shared the news on website with a string of tweets.
“To all those who care & especially those that don’t my husband Munna & Me have decided to part ways after 11 glorious years of marriage. “The reason I explain Is because we are both part of the public domain. Our friends, well wishers & foes are free to now speculate. : )
“Staggered by the love & support displayed by intimate strangers as well as the silence from most of my friends! Love you all!” she tweeted.(IANS)