Megastar Amitabh Bachchan has been conferred with the second Yash Chopra Memorial Award. Bachchan, 72, delivered his career’s blockbusters with the ace filmmaker right from his first collaboration in ‘Deewar’, ‘Kabhi Kabhie’, ‘Trishul’, ‘Kaala Patthar’. ‘Silsila’, ‘Mohabatein’ to ‘Veera Zaara’ and ‘Bunty Aur Babli’.
The actor said ‘Jab Tak Hai Jaan’ director was like an elder brother to him and he shared a great relationship with the filmmaker. “With Yashji I had a family relationship and I believe that I still have that. I always felt that he is not only a great filmmaker but also an elder brother to me.
“The other family members of his family too treat me like a family and for that I just can’t only give credit to Yashji, Pamelaji (Chopra’s wife) too was instrumental in this,” Bachchan said after receiving the honour. The Yash Chopra Memorial Award has been instituted by the TSR Foundation of T Subbarami Reddy in the memory of the late producer-director, who died in 2012.
Bachchan said he was supposed to work in a romantic film with Chopra when Deewar’s script came to him. After 10-12 days Salim-Javed came to me with the script of ‘Deewar’ and I liked it instantly. “And Salim-Javed wanted Yashji to direct it.
I requested Yashji to listen to the script. And when he heard the story of ‘Deewar’, he imme-diately said, ‘yes’. So, we immedia-tely started working on ‘Dee-war’,” Bachchan said. (PTI)