Om Prakash Tiwari lodged a complaint at Madanrting PS that on February 1 at around 6 pm, four persons Deepak Tiwari, Santosh Tiwari, Ganga Tiwari and Lilawati Tiwari assaulted the complainant and his wife at Madanrting Block-E, Shillong. In this connection, Police arrested Santosh Tiwari.
On February 1 at around 7.45 pm, four persons Pirosh N. Marak (28), Anseng S. Sangma (25), Jester M. Sangma (28) and Jackwil M. Sangma (29 yrs), were apprehended along with nine stolen electric poles at Songsak (EGH).
Portia Laloo lodged a complaint at Shillong Sadar PS that between February 1 & 2, 2015, unknown miscreants broke into her godown at Wahthapbru, Shillong and stole sports goods valued around Rs. 80,000.
One women lodged a complaint at Rynjah PS that on January 30 at around 10.30 am, one Vishal Sherpa abducted Miss Mona Galmo (26) from BSF Gate, Nongmynsong, Shillong.