Agartala:While congratulating the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) Chief Arvind Kejriwal for his landslide victory in Delhi assembly election, Tripura Chief Minister Manik Sarkar on Wednesday said it was necessary for BJP to realize the public sentiment.
Manik Sarkar is the lone flag-bearer of communist party in the country.
“Only giving assurance before election is not enough for the political party to retain power. Until the promises are implemented in true spirit people will not trust anybody and this is what both BJP and Congress should learn from Delhi election,” Mr Sarkar stated.
BJP won in many states after the last Lok Sabha election, which made them over confident that a people will accept whatever they do but that’s not the case, Sarkar commented adding that Narendra Modi should look back to his pro-people agenda and poll promises.
“Performance of Narendra Modi-led government in the past eight months; Delhi voters rejected BJP. BJP lost about one per cent and Congress lost 8 per cent vote share this time compared to last assembly poll. On the other having, vote share of AAP increased by 25 per cent,” Sarkar told media.
He also stated that voters of Delhi evaluated Modi and BJP. What rest of the country could not do till now. The poll promises for good governance and equitable growth of Narendra Modi utterly failed rather the misery of the common Indian com-pounded.
“Modi failed to arrest the price of essential consumer goods, failed to open up employment opportunity, disinvestment in profitable PSUs failed to amend, labour laws and land acquisition Act against the interest of the common beneficiaries. At least five churches were attacked in Delhi after Modi came to power,” Sarkar alleged.
He, however, pointed out that Modi government is persuading development on communal lines and he has shamefully surrendered before US to protect the interest of US on economic front.
“I admit what Kejriwal did in three years in Delhi, CPI-M failed to do it over a few decades. This time also we have contested in three seats in Delhi but result was as usual. But one thing I must mention, CPI-M is not always participating in election to win. Election is an opportunity for us to campaign our ideology,” Sarkar stated.
He further maintained that performance of Kejriwal government in Delhi will decide whether AAP will be the partner of six left parties campaigning across the country for non-congress non-BJP democratic alliance. (UNI)