Monday, June 17, 2024

ATM looting


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SHILLONG: Police have identified those involved in the lifting of the ATM containing over Rs 14 lakh at Madanriting recently.
“We have managed to establish that the crime has been committed by the people from outside,” M Khakrang, SP, East Khasi Hills, said on Tuesday.
Kharkrang did not rule out the possibility of involvement of the same people who looted a huge amount from ATMs in Ri-Bhoi and Jaintia Hills.
“The crime is committed by some professionals who are well equipped to commit this kind of crime,” he said.
Police believe that there can be a racket involving the theft of  Rs.14, 96,000 from  the SBI kiosk at Madanriting Main Market as similar cases were reported from other parts of the State.


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