Thousands of people in Kabul protested against the mob killing of 27 year old Farkhunda, a religious scholar with a psychological disability who was accused of burning a copy of the Quran. Women joined the funeral march. It shows the gradual emancipation of women in a country afflicted by violence against women. Afghanistan needs speedy change and President Ashraf Ghani is emphasizing the need for women empowerment. 20% of his cabinet ministers are women. His government has evidently taken a long step forward since the Presidency of Hamid Karzai during which rights of women were curtailed. The Taliban ruled the country for over half a decade and militants are preparing for an offensive as soon as the winter ends. It is necessary to have societal change at the base before Afghan women can be totally emancipated.
It is encouraging that President Barack Obama has decided to keep 9,800 soldiers in Afghanistan till the end of the year. The militants will have to continue fighting US military power for a number of months. It may be hoped that the Afghan army will be able to hold its own after withdrawal of US troops in early 2017. The US move shows Washington’s confidence in Ashraf Ghani’s ability. It will also prevent new threats like the IS from gaining a foothold in the territory. India will gain as it will help counter-insurgency operations. Large US bases will fend off militant attack. It will help India maintain a presence in Afghanistan and be clued up on operations of anti-India groups in Pakistan territory. But the Afghan security forces will have to strengthen their striking power so that democracy in the country can survive without US support.