Wednesday, June 26, 2024

‘Indonesia issues execution orders for Australians, Filipino’


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Sydney: Two Australian drug traffickers and a Filipino woman were on Saturday given official notification by Indonesia that they will be executed, but with no given date, reports and a lawyer said.
They include Australians Myuran Sukumaran and Andrew Chan, ringleaders of the “Bali Nine” heroin trafficking gang, and mother-of-two Mary Jane Veloso. There was no official word on the fate of several other foreign drug convicts due to face the firing squad, including one each from Brazil and France and four from Africa.
“We received an order of execution but that does not mean she will be executed soon,” Edre Olalia, a lawyer for Veloso, told DZMM radio in Manila from Jakarta. “The date was not specified. It is not saying she will be executed soon.”
Consular officials had earlier Saturday been summoned to a town near Nusakambangan, the high-security prison island where Indonesia carries out its executions. Jakarta must give 72 hours notice before an execution and News Limited newspapers in Australia said Indonesian authorities had confirmed the two Australians would be among a group of death row prisoners to be shot as early as next week. “We will give the notification today,” Indonesian Attorney General spokesman Tony Spontana told the media group. (PTI)
“But it doesn’t mean the execution will be within three days. It could be more than three days.” All of those facing death have lost appeals for clemency from President Joko Widodo, who argues that Indonesia is fighting a drugs emergency. (AFP) SUA 04251655


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