A short documentary film entitled, “Skill based Developed India” directed and produced by the students of St.John’s Whitehall has been selected for screening at the National Youth Film Festival Competition 2015 to be held at Goa. It is the only school from Meghalaya to have been selected out of 120 entries.
CTET results
The result of 8th edition of Central Teachers Eligibility Test (CTET), September 2015 has been declared by the Central Board of Secondary Education on October 30 as per schedule. The result is available on CTET website and CBSE website
Office bearers
North-East Psychological Counselor’s Association, in its recent Annual General Body meet held on Counselor’s Day at Youth Hostel in association with Nehru Yuva Kendra Sangathan, Shillong, has reelected Dr. Soma Bhowmick as its President, Dipankar Nandi as its general secretary and Soma Bhattacherjee as the treasurer of the organisation for the session 2015-16.
Awareness programme
A one day awareness programme on ’empowerment of women’ was held at Bangsi A?pal Primary School, North Garo Hills recently. The programme was organized by the Mangrakchi Self Help Group, Bangsi A?pal and sponsored by the Planning Department, North Garo Hills.
Assessment camp
On the occasion of International Day of Persons with Disabilities on December 3, the office of the District Social Welfare Officer, East Garo Hills in collaboration with the district administration, will organise an assessment camp at Williamnagar DRDA Hall.