Monday, June 17, 2024

2 drown near Nongkhnum fest site


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NONGSTOIN: Two persons drowned in separate incidents during their visit to the Nongkhnum Island on the last of the Nongkhnum Festival on Saturday.
The body of Ferdinand Pakyntein and Charmly Jeegaph were recovered from rivers at Nongkhum by teams of the Fire and Emergency service.
While the body of Charmly Jeengaph of Mawklot was recovered on Saturday itself, the Fire and Emergency service team recovered the body of Pakynteiñ,  a resident of Muktapur, Jaintia Hills, at around 11.35 AM on Sunday.
Source said that Charmly drowned while he was swimming in one of the rivers, while Ferdinand sank while trying to catch hold of his sandals.


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