By Manas Chaudhuri
Bangladesh’s success story is not just about foreign remittances and export earnings. In the social sectors like agriculture (second largest in the world), fishery (fifth in the world), life expectancy (70 years), low infant mortality, education at door step (literacy 70%), women’s emancipation through self-help and literacy mission etc and excellent inland roadways, unfailing communication system, touted to be better than India’s, will serve as a handy case study. Unmistakeably, there is a deep sense of commitment at all levels in Bangladesh and a passion to take their country to the top. Just look their turn around in cricket! Despite political unrest and corruption in high places, It is the people’s high aspirations and application which have made the critical difference.
Revise strategy for tangible results
Let’s face it, we cannot be in today’s business with yesterday’s mechanism. In order to make a tangible difference, all stakeholders have to learn from past mistakes. Adopt the road not travelled, without fear or favour. It is also imperative that there has to be a missionary zeal infused in the system which will be accountable and transparent. Tough ask, this. But as the saying goes, when the going is tough , only the tough get going. Let us not forget that stakes are not the Region’s alone but that of the whole country to see that Northeast blossoms.Here are a few of my humble suggestions as strategies for revitalising the tempo of development of the region:
- A Revised Plan : Against the backdrop of our improved ties with Bangladesh and the winds of change blowing across Myanmar, the Centre, in consultation with the States, must draw up a focussed perspective plan for the next 25 years for the Region thus making the Northeast ready for the Act East Policy. The Plan must identify priority areas of each State, allocate funds and execute time-bound schemes through central agencies.
- Restructure NEC: The role of Council should be revisited. In any case, it should not be a mere funding agency. Instead it must be mandated to supervise the centrally-funded works on the ground, monitor progress, conduct audit and provide technical and other expertise and liaise with stake-holders. The DoNER Minister should personally come to NEC headquarter in Shillong to take stock on a quarterly basis. This should help keeping all concerned on their toes.
- Roads and surface transport: Roads will have to be top priority with or without Act East Policy. All-weather modern roads of international standards—entirely funded by the Centre—should be taken up under the aegis of Central Government on a time-bound manner. If there are good roads, deficiency in rail and air connectivity will not matter much.
- Non-lapsable pool: Every year there is a huge accumulation of non-lapseable funds in the central kitty. Instead of carrying forward, Centre should consider utilising these funds under its own care for building up “Model Blocks” in each State every year. Each Block Development unit can thus become a focal point of planned living conditions for the inhabitants.
- Air link: Every State must be provided with air link with the rest of the country. When we have successfully launched Mars Mission, it will patently unfair not to give this facility to this peripheral region.
- Private Investment: If economy has to grow faster, there is no alternative to private investment. To facilitate FDI and PPP Mode ventures, the States must create conducive climate for investment. Rules, regulations must be transperate and equitably enforced. The fear psychosis of the prospective investors , both inland and overseas, must be addressed. There has to be a strong political will and fire in the belly.
- Manpower planning: It is estimated that during the decade ending 2025, NER will have only 2.6 million jobs, as against 16.8 million job seekers. Capacity building and competencies in critical sectors, therefore, assumes paramount importance. Centre should engage experts to undertake a manpower planning of the region and help set up job-creating industries commensurate with local aptitude and resources.
- Prioritise exportable items: In order to give a fillip to export promotion, the Centre should identify a few core products of the Region which can be sustainable. In my considered view, the items should include Hydel and Gas-based power, Rubber, Coal, Bamboo and select agri-horticultural produce. A holistic thrust should be given to these identified areas with a comprehensive long-term perspective plan will surely make a difference .
All said and done, it is for the people of the States who should learn to demand better life, better roads, better amenities, better opportunities—at par with the most developed parts of the country. Indeed, Northeast can be a bright shining outpost of the country, only if it wants to! It is rightly said that you may drag the pony to the pond but cannot make the pony drink. May the pony develop some thirst, after all!
(Excerpts from the paper presented by the author at a recent seminar organised by Shillong Commerce College)