SHILLONG: Doctors from Apollo Hospital, Chennai conducted a medical screening camp at Ganesh Das Hospital here on Wednesday. Dr V. Sripathi Senior consultant Pediatric Urologist and Robotic Surgeon was also present on the occasion.
Dr Sripathi is the pioneer in robot assisted laparoscopic surgery in children. robot assisted laparoscopic surgery is a recent technology that provides surgeons a better understanding of the human body.
This technology expands a surgeon’s capability to have more control over the operations.
With high costs involved, robotic surgery might not be accessible to all, but Dr Sripathi says that under the agreement with the State Government the hospital will assist those who cannot afford the surgery.
It may be mentioned that the State Government has signed a MoU with Apollo Hospitals to contact specialists in whichever areas they feel necessary and follow up on the treatment of the patient for at least three months.
Meanwhile, telemedicine consultant, Parag Choudhury said that the Shillong Apollo Info Center will help the patients secure advance appointment of the right doctor at Apollo, assist patients in availing free pickup services from airport to hospital, free ambulance services from airport/railway station, arranging comfortable & economic stay, treatment assistance in Chennai etc.
On June 21, specialists in neurology, urology and nephrology from Apollo will visit the state for screening the patients at Civil Hospital, Shillong.