Monday, June 17, 2024

City traffic cops asked to be polite with public


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SHILLONG: Following few complaints of ill treatment of drivers and passengers by traffic cops on duty, the Shillong Traffic Police has asked its personnel to be cordial in their dealings with the public.
Speaking to The Shillong Times here on Wednesday, SP (Traffic) NK Syiem said that the matter was up for discussion and officers and other personnel have been asked to be cordial with the public.
“We have told them to refer people as sir, madam and brother and refrain from using rude tone or language,” he said.
On the growing traffic congestion at Khyndailad, Syiem said some officers are stationed in the junction of the city’s busiest commercial place to better manage the traffic in the area.
“Deployment of traffic cops in the junction is further strengthened during peak hours,” he added.
According to Syiem, apart from traffic management, the cops deployed in the area also keep a tab on the local taxis which often refuse to ferry passengers to certain destinations.


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