Los Angeles, Aug 4 (PTI) Actor Kate Beckinsale revealed her 18-year-old daughter, Lily, had a crush on talk show host Jimmy Kimmel. The 44-year-old star, who appeared on “Jimmy Kimmel Live!”, added the situation was a little “tricky” as her former partner and actor Micheal Sheen is currently in a relationship with Kimmel’s ex-girlfriend. “You know how they have crushes on Justin Bieber and things like that? She’s got one on you. It’s a little bit of a tricky situation, because my daughter’s dad is dating Jimmy’s ex-girlfriend – it’s very twisted. It’s a sort of horrible, human centipede-y vibe,” Beckinsale said. The “Love and Friendship” actor’s revelation left Kimmel a little red-faced, to which he said, “I’m sorry! I had nothing to do with this! This is all her! This is your mother! Let’s not ruin the crush thing. “I want to keep that going, OK? Thank you very much. I appreciate it. I’m flattered. (Now) we’re both embarrassed.” PTI