SHILLONG: An RTI query revealed that North Eastern Hill University (NEHU) suffers from shortage of staff both in the teaching and non-teaching department as there are huge number of vacancies.
There are 35 post of Professor, 52 post of Associate Professor and 16 posts of Assistant Professor which have been lying vacant for many years in the different departments of the university.
The RTI was filed by Kynjainmon Amse, a resident of Umkiang Village, East Jaintia Hills. He received a reply that claimed that the University has called for application for filling the different teaching post in the year but till date there has been no recruitment of new teachers.
He also stated that the University has resorted to hire guest lecturer instead of filling the vacant post.
The RTI revealed that in the administration wing, there are 16 non- teaching vacant posts at Group A level as indicated hereunder: GROUP A -Registrar – 1, Finance Officer – 1,Librarian-1, University Engineer- 1, Director and others.
Amse observed that the vacancies in Group A seriously hamper the functioning of the University.
Further, there are 359 of non-teaching vacant posts at Group B, C and D level.
GROUP B includes- Section Officer- 3, Private Secretary- 2, Professional Assistant-3, Coach -2, Senior Statistical Assistants-2, Computer Operator-1, Assistant Engineer-1 and others.
GROUP C includes – Lower Division Clerk-89, Gestetner Operator-1, Driver-17, Despatch Rider-1, Semi- Professional Assistant-5, Stenographer-34, Junior Library Assistant-8, Binder-2, Technical Assistant-3, Laboratory Assistant-4, Draftsman-1, Electrician- 1 and others.
GROUP D includes – Peon-32, Kitchen Attendants-1, Attendant Vehicle/Workshop-4, Attendant General-6,Duftry-1, Gate Keeper-1, Chowkidar-32,Cleaner-22,Safaiwalas-3, Cook-7,Library Attendant-3, Laboratory Attendant-3, Dresser-1, Wireman-1 and Lineman-1.
The RTI mentioned that with regard to the vacancies of teaching posts, the University has floated the advertisement. But for the vacancies of non- teaching Group A posts, the matter is under process.
As for the vacancies at Group B, C and D, the University cannot take any action to fill the vacancies due to the directive received from UGC not to fill up any vacant post since the present ratio between the teaching and non- teaching in the University is higher than the ratio prescribed by the UGC.