TURA: Chief Minister Mukul Sangma on Wednesday criticised the programmes launched by the Centre saying they have failed to deliver as they were mostly taken up on a piecemeal approach and not on a mission-mode.
Speaking on the second day of the entrepreneurship programme held at Dakopgre, Sangma said, “If one intervention is not enough to achieve the desired objective then something has to be done to ensure its fructification for the larger interest of all the people concerned.”
In this connection, he referred to the Livelihood Intervention and Facilitation of Entrepreneurship (LIFE) project that was launched recently.
He called this programme the most inclusive approach of the government.
The LIFE project is aimed at bringing all the poor and vulnerable women into the self-help group (SHG) movement and is being implemented in the line with National Rural Livelihoods Mission (NRLM) in the remaining non-NRLM blocks with an objective to support the community through the SHG formation and strengthening of the existing SHGs.
The chief minister reiterated that the biggest challenge before the government is providing jobs to the youth.
“It can only be addressed collectively by all concerned departments and all stakeholders by identifying the spaces available for livelihood other than the space in the government sector,” he added.