Mumbai, Oct 13 (PTI) Superstar Aamir Khan said he is all game to reprise his iconic role from “Sarfarosh” in the film’s sequel. The 1999 movie, directed by John Matthew Matthan, dealt with a police officer’s quest to rein in cross-border terrorism and received critical acclaim. Aamir played the role of a tough cop, Ajay Singh Rathod in the film. There were reports that Matthan is set to begin work on the sequel. When asked about it, Aamir told reporters, “Oh, it’s getting made? I didn’t know. How wonderful, that’s great. I would love to play ACP Rathod.” He was speaking on the sidelines of the opening ceremony of Jio MAMI 19th Mumbai Film Festival here last night. The 52-year-old star said because of his busy schedule, he would not be able to watch any film at the festival. He was accompanied his “Secret Superstar” co-actor Zaira Wasim. Aamir said he is currently tied-up with his upcoming production and is “very nervous” for its release scheduled on October 19. PTI