TURA: Residents of a locality in Tura have given the civic authorities three days’ time to clear the profusion of garbage that is spilling onto the cemetery that is located below the dump yard in the area.
The locals of Rongkhon Songgital under Rangsakona said garbage from the dumping ground has covered many graves and tombstones located near the boundary of the cemetery.
“The Tura Municipal Board has done nothing so far,” they said and threatened to take legal recourse.
Copies of the letters were also submitted to the Tura MP, Rangsakona MLA and the West Garo Hills Deputy Commissioner.
On July 28, the West Garo Hills district administration assured that the matter would be taken up with higher authorities. But even after that nothing was done.
The residents, following an emergent meeting held on October 8 submitted another letter to the board’s CEO on October 10 serving an ultimatum to clear the garbage within three days time.