Mumbai, Jan 11 (PTI) Actors Rajkummar Rao and Shraddha Kapoor’s upcoming horror comedy has been titled “Stree”. Written by Raj Nidimoru and Krishna DK, the film will be directed by Amar Kaushik. Rajkummar revealed the title of the film on Twitter. “We have a title! Shoot starts on our horror-comedy ‘Stree’. Exciting schedule ahead!” he wrote, tagging his co- star in the tweet. Shraddha also shared the news on the micro-blogging site and wrote, “And we have a title! Shoot starts on our hilariously scary ‘Stree’.” Rajkummar had earlier teased the film’s title on social media where he posted a photo with Shraddha with fingers on their lips. “Getting ready to roll our horror comedy with the most wonderful Shraddha Kapoor,” he had tweeted. Dinesh Vijan is producing the project through his company Maddock Films. The writer duo is reuniting with Vijan after “Go Goa Gone”. They had also directed the 2013 zombie comedy. PT