New Delhi: The Congress on Wednesday remained non-committal on the CPI-M’s plans to move an impeachment motion in Parliament against Chief Justice of India Dipak Misra, saying it shall first discuss the issue with all the political parties.
“We will speak to all the political parties about it and then our Leader of Opposition in Rajya Sabha (Ghulam Nabi Azad) and in Lok Sabha (Mallikarjun Kharge) will inform about it,” Congress leader Ratanjit Pratap Narain Singh told media here.
The Congress leader’s remarks came a day after CPI-M leader Sitaram Yechury said it was contemplating an impeachment motion with other opposition parties against the CJI in the upcoming budget session that begins January 29.
The move comes after four senior-most judges on January 12 alleged that the administration of the Supreme Court was not in order and accused Chief Justice Misra of assigning cases in an arbitrary manner.(IANS)
Congress non-committal on CPI-M’s plans for impeachment motion against CJI
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