Nitish Kumar during his first two terms as Chief Minister of Bihar did very well in promoting school education. The projects of providing cycles to girls and improving mid-day meals proved very effective. Enrolment of girls went up. But dropout rates in higher secondary levels in the current tenure of Nitish Kumar remain high. Only 42% of class 1 students complete their secondary education. The gross enrolment ratio is 13% as against the all India target of 30% by 2020. Outlay on education in Bihar has also diminished. Cheating in classes 10-12 has escalated. At a Vaishali school, there are reports that even guardians helped in such cheating. The state holds students responsible. They have been prevented from wearing shoes and socks where they can hide their notes. Examination centres are also meant to be equipped with CCTV cameras. It shows the slide back under Nitish Kumar’s present government. The Bihar government seems to treat all students as cheaters. It is like imposing prohibition to fight alcoholism in the state. Even moderate drinkers are penalised.
Nitish Kumar’s governance was previously praised for welfare programmes and pushing up school enrolment but the present term of his chief ministership seems to lack the human touch. It puts the emphasis on punitive measures. It is a sad reflection on the political acumen of Nitish Kumar who was considered one of the best Chief Ministers in India. Diktats about not wearing shoes at examinations seem to be on the same lands as creating a caste hierarchy.