Bollywood’s most Bollywood’s most sought-after fitness guru, Shivoham would soon start training Aamir Khan for his next film.”I am supposed to start training Aamir again for his next movie.. It will begin very soon. I had met him recently and he asked me to get ready for it,” Shivoham told PTI here.Shivoham, who had trained Aamir for 2009 blockbuster Ghajini, was in the city to participate in Reebok UnREST, a fitness festival organised by the company here.Shivoham, however, did not disclose details on Aamir’s new project.Shivoham has been in the fitness industry for a decade and has worked with Bollywood actors, including Abhishek Bachchan, Arjun Kapoor, Jacqueline Fernandez and Parineeti Chopra. Apart from being the founder of the first CrossFit box in India, he is Reebok Crossfit master trainer, a brand that organises ‘Reebok UnREST.’Responding to a query, Shivoham said he was inspired by Aamir for being a perfectionist, a stickler to minute details, before taking up a job or an assignment.”Aamir Khan is known to be a perfectionist for a reason whether it is training or his work or an assignment he has taken up. He always likes looking at things in detail. (PTI)
Fitness guru Shivoham to start training with Aamir for his next
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