After singing songs for the 2010 Telugu film Kalavar King, Assamese musician Joi Barua is back to the south film industry, this time as a composer for Ayodhya Kumar Krishnamsetty’s directorial 24 Kisses.
‘I was recommended to him (Krishnamsetty) by Resul Pookutty (Oscar-winning sound artiste) who had loved my work on Margarita with a Straw and the Pride’ series, Joi told IANS.
The rest of the four songs are in Telugu and sung by different singers.
‘I had a very good experience. They understand things really well, give you a lot of freedom and have great perception of what is and what can be,” he said.
Language wasn’t a barrier for him this time. “Back then (‘Kalavar King’) was my first time. (IANS)