Dibrugarh (Assam): Police have arrested a person on Thursday for possessing fake currency notes and seized a pistol along with ammunition in Assam’s Kamrup district, sources in the force said. A police team acting on a tip off launched an operation and arrested the person who hails from Golaghat district. The fake currency seized from him comprised of counterfiet notes of face value of Rs 500, Rs 200 and Rs 50, the police said. A .22 pistol along with 26 rounds of live ammunition was also seized from the man, who was booked under the Arms Act and IPC sections 489C (making fake currency), 448 (house-trespass) and 394 (committing or attempt to commit robbery), the police said. The man had unsuccesfully contested as an Independent candidate from Sarupathar Assam Assembly constituency in 2016, the sources added. (PTI)