Writer-producer Vinta Nanda on Wednesday filed a police complaint against actor Alok Nath, whom
she has accused of sexually violating her 19 years ago. The complaint was lodged at the Oshiwara police station, Nanda said in a statement. ‘The police was very co-operative and they took my statement. It was not easy for me to give my statement as it is like reliving your pain. We have given a written complaint against Alok Nath and they registered the same,’ Nanda said, adding that she gave her statement to a female police sub-inspector. Amid the #MeToo movement that got sparked in India after Tanushree Dutta renewed a decade-old allegation against Nana Patekar, Nanda of Tara fame came out about her unsavoury experience with Alok, who has for years enjoyed a holier than thou image on-screen. (IANS)