Superstar Shah Rukh Khan says he wants his daughter Suhana to learn the craft of acting before venturing into films as he does not want her to simply assume that she is talented. Shah Rukh says Suhana came on the sets of his latest Zero and observed how things function. “She came on sets because learning acting has a lot to do with spending time on the sets and learning production. She did the same in London and while she was here.
“She said she still has two weeks to go back to London and we were shooting a song for Zero in the coming two weeks. So she came here to have that experience,” Shah Rukh said in a group interview.
The Raees star said he wanted his daughter to observe a film set, including his co-stars Katrina Kaif and Anushka Sharma, and learn the nuances. “But I think ground experience is good for actors or any kind of job, only as an internship. But you have to finish your education first. If you have the opportunity to study, it formalises and makes your craft better. So, I want her to study first for some time.”
Shah Rukh says Suhana will train for three-four years more, doing plays and theatres. Zero is scheduled to release this Friday. (PTI)