After Dear Zindagi and Raazi, actress Alia Bhatt has once again worked with a female director and this time Zoya Akhtar for Gully Boy. The 25-year-old Bollywood star is rushing for promotions. IBNS-TWF brings some excerpts:How was it to enter into the sets of Zoya Akhtar’s film?My experience was brilliant. I haven’t worked with a better team so far. They are fantastic and on point with every-thing. It was a crazy ride.Tell us about your character in the film.Actually, I cried less and made oth-ers weep more in the film. The kind of dialogues I gave in this film is some-thing which I didn’t do before in my career. The character in the film is a (medical) student who can do live transplantation.Do you take extra responsibility while taking part in a film which is based on someone’s character as it is in the case in Gully Boy?In these cases, we have to leave the job of representing the real-life world to the makers of the film. How the world will be represented in the film is not something we should get into or there is any need. I think the bet-ter way to deal with these films is to concentrate on one’s own character and try to become authentic as much as possible without thinking about the reactions to it from audience. I believe thinking about the reaction to one’s performance may sometimes hold one back or push further unnecessarily.How do your roles affect you per-sonally? When I finish my roles, I forget what happened (in the film). The only ex-perience which I remember is the physical one as to how difficult was it for me to enact in any sequence. In the preparation part, I always do what I am asked for. I like to follow the processes of individual directors.After seven years of your career and so many brilliant films, how do you deal with the kind of expectations your fans are having from you?I don’t know. These thoughts don’t come to my mind. I realise them only a few days before the release of any film. I think expectations will be there whether one is doing well or not. I hope I don’t disappoint my audience. At the same time, I hope these ex-pectations don’t come in my way of decisions then it will become a little clinical.