By Ranjan K Baruah
Board examinations are going on and students would be worried to choose streams in Class XI. A student who gets good marks prefers science and then arts and commerce. If we look at commerce students in the North East, we will find that commerce students are less when we look at arts or science. Many students and even guardians are not aware about this stream of education and the prospects. Till recently, people believed that commerce means something to do with accounts or they can join banks. There are many options for students studying commerce. It is important for us to be well informed about the options and choices which we have for ourselves after studying in commerce stream. Some options are:
Chartered Accountancy: CA or Chartered Accountancy course is managed by The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India. Students may enrol after Class XII or after graduation. The Chartered Accountants Act, 1949 (Act No XXXVIII of 1949) regulates the profession of Chartered Accountancy in the country. The institute functions under the administrative control of the Ministry of Corporate Affairs. The ICAI is the second largest professional body of Chartered Accountants in the world, with a strong tradition of service to the Indian economy in public interest. Details about the course and its scopes are available online at the website of ICAI.
Company Secretary Course: This course is managed by Institute of Company Secretaries of India. There are few stages to become CS and they include passing senior secondary or Class XII and go through three programmes namely foundation, executive and professional programmes.
The Institute of Company Secretaries of India (ICSI) is the only recognised professional body in India to develop and regulate the profession of Company Secretaries in India. It is a premier national professional body set up under the Company Secretaries Act, 1980. ICSI functions under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Government of India. The institute provides top-quality education to the students of CS course and best quality set standards to CS Members. At present, there are more than 50,000 members and about 4, 00,000 students on the roll of ICSI.
Actuarial Science: “Actuary” means a person skilled in determining the present effects of future contingent events or in finance modelling and risk analysis in different areas of insurance, calculating the value of life interests and insurance risks, designing and pricing of policies, working out the benefits recommending rates relating to insurance business, annuities, insurance and pension rates on the basis of empirically based tables and includes a statistician engaged in such technology, taxation, employees’ benefits and such other risk management and investments and who is a fellow member of the institute. Institute of Actuaries of India is a statutory body established under The Actuaries Act 2006 (35 of 2006) for regulation of profession of Actuaries in India. We will write about few more options in commerce stream for our readers. Students must remember that mere academic qualification will not guarantee a good job. Employability skills are must along with qualification be successful in life. One must be equipped with technical skills like uses of internet and effective communication is always helping students to get suitable job.
New Zealand Commonwealth
Scholarships: Ministry of Human Resource Development invites applications from Indian nationals for the New Zealand Commonwealth Scholarship 2019 in the Masters and PhD level. Last date for sending application is March 28.
(Ranjan K Baruah is a career mentor and can be reached at [email protected] or 8473943734 for any career related queries)