Actor Vivek Oberoi, who is playing the lead role in a biopic on Prime Minister Narendra Modi, offered prayers at the Saibaba temple here to seek blessings for the release of the film soon. He visited the famous temple, located at Shirdi town in Ahmednagar district of Maharashtra, on Saturday.
Later while talking to mediapersons, Oberoi expressed hope that the film, whose release has been withheld by the Election Commission (EC), will hit the theatres soon. “We sought blessings of Saibaba. Our supporters and fans are eagerly waiting to watch the film. We made the film based on an inspirational story, but political parties are attacking it…we are expecting the film to be released soon,” the actor said.
Oberoi said the film will inspire the young generation about how a tea-seller became the country’s prime minister and boosted its image. “I don’t know why MNS chief Raj Thackeray is talking against the film? I invite him to watch the film with us and he will like it,” the actor said.
Oberoi also urged Congress president Rahul Gandhi, West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee and DMK president M K Stalin to watch the film, claiming “they will like it”. (PTI)