NEW DELHI: The Supreme Court on Wednesday heard petitions relating to the ban on coal mining in the state and will continue the hearing on Thursday since the arguments remained inconclusive.
Shekhar Napahade arguing for the state of Meghalaya in the appeal filed by it against the order of the NGT banning mining operations in the entire region contended that the state is willing to formulate policies to regulate mining operations. However, it must be given some powers to do the same since this is in contrast to the ownership rights in the region.
No order was passed on the plea of the state government to allow transportation of the extracted coal, on Wednesday. It may be mentioned that the apex court is hearing five petitions on the coal ban.
The Supreme Court had already heard the main petition of Lber Laloo vs Dima Hasao Student Union on Wednesday. Lber Laloo had petitioned the Supreme Court for lifting the ban on coal mining by the NGT.
The other three petitions which the apex court will take up include that of the State Co-Ordination Committee of Coal Owners, Miners and Dealers Forum (SCCCMDF), Hima Nongstoin and GHADC.
Both the Advocate General Amit Kumar and the state counsel Ranjan Mukherjee were present during the hearing.